

  • Relatively or totally flavorless
  • Not exciting or engaging


When someone declares that "variety is the spice of life," spice is meant to be viewed as a good thing, and the fact that it is an integral part of so many tasty cuisines strongly reaffirms that. Indeed, the fun of sampling dishes from around the world comes from tasting the unique combinations of flavors that each regional culinary style has to offer. We are so used to a rich array of delicacies that it can be hard to imagine food any other way. Without these seasonings, food would be little more than an insipid source of nutrition.

Insipid is an adjective that describes the near or complete blandness of something's taste. As our sense of taste is rarely used to measure anything else, this meaning of insipid generally applies to food. Used in this context, it can characterize cuisine that is naturally devoid of rich flavor - English food is the butt of many jokes to this effect - or it can voice one's surprise or disappointment upon sampling something one expected to be tasty. Either way, insipid food is the kind that, for whatever reason, does not excite the palette.

The word insipid can also be used to illustrate that something is boring or otherwise fails to hold one's attention. This meaning of the word is applied to a generally wider range of things than that outlined above, expanding to encompass ideas and even people as well as things. A dull or tiresome person can be insipid (or have an insipid personality), but one could also find an arcane subject matter, like the history of bronze age Hellenic coinage or Gaussian capacitance calculus, insipid. Borrowing the idea that insipid food is dull to the taste buds, to call an idea or person insipid highlights the dullness of one's experience of them.

Example: All it takes is forgetting to add salt to the boiling water to turn a potentially delicious pasta dish into an insipid pile of starch.

Example: As insipid as she found her statistics class, she had to take it to fulfill the requirements of her major.


Originally, insipid traces back to the Latin insipidus, which meant "tasteless." This word takes its form from a contraction of in-, meaning "not," and sapidus, meaning "tasty" and in turn derives from the verb sapere, meaning "to taste." From there, insipidus evolved into the French term insipide. Insipid finally emerged in English in the early 17th century.

Derivative Words

Insipidity: This noun denotes the quality of tastelessness or unexciting character.

Example: He seasoned practically all of his food with sriracha sauce to ward off even the faintest hint of insipidity.

Example: The insipidity of the sales presentation was so acute that when the presenter looked up from her notes, she saw everyone playing on their phones.

Insipidly: The adverb form of insipid describes when something is done in a boring way.

Example: At the party, he kept insipidly droning on about ornithology, oblivious to the fact that the circle of listeners was slowly shrinking.

Insipidness: This word is also a noun form of insipid, employed to show a flavorless or boring quality.

Example: She was surprised at the insipidness of the restaurant's food, considering how glowingly it was reviewed online.

Example: In spite of the professor's insipidness, his class was immensely popular due to the meager amount of homework he assigned.

In Literature

From Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf:

When I have neither pleasure nor pain and have been breathing for a while the lukewarm insipid air of these so called good and tolerable days, I feel so bad in my childish soul that I smash my moldering lyre of thanksgiving in the face of the slumbering god of contentment and would rather feel the very devil burn in me than this warmth of a well-heated room.

Hesse's speaker is brooding that the peaceful social climate he lives in is so utterly boring, or insipid, to him that he would rather create an uproar, even at personal expense, than endure the interminable dullness of everyday life.


  • If your food is insipid, you should dip it in some hot sauce.
  • Insipid things are usually not inspiring.


Taste, Boredom

Bring out the linguist in you! What is your own interpretation of insipid. Did you use insipid in a game? Provide an example sentence or a literary quote.